Dec 27, 2008

Open House at Shaun's place

So this is my 1st official post... had an interesting gathering at shauns house...the food was great since we were actually tasting his dads cooking first hand...among the more delicious ones are the mutton, some fish pieces, ham, prawn, salmon n of coz wats Xmas without the ever present TURKEY!!!!(ok u can stop drooling on ur keyboard already) are some pics...

lost the game 3-2 after takin 2-0 lead...=.='

stage set up for Badawi n his....

dinner passed n we had a good walk to the seaside.... after reaching to shaun's house someone brilliant which i really cant remember who... popped the idea of going to watch the movie.....

there was alot of discussion going on though whether we shud go for a movie at 12.10am....initially the plan was cancelled as some of us clearly did not want to go... heck we even bought ip man dvd to watch on shaun's plasma tv... but like all teenagers do we changed our mind in the end n still went for the movie....thye siang had to lie to his mom, kinn weng had to run out frm his house like a crook, and me well i juz stayed overnight at Kim Chern's place with IZ, Tong, n Jared... now time for the 'interesting' part.... how the movie actually was...(drum rolls)


its the worst n i really mean it THE WORST movie i hav ever watched....the hero talks to a cat n himself half of the time, the antagonist tries to be Adolf Hitler, his henchmens make Mr Bean smart, n Scarlett Johansson was made to look like Gwen Stefani (or maybe worse), the plot is...(wait was there even a plot?)... n the list goes on... the conclusion is... AVOID THIS MOVIE AT ALL COST!!!!

my stay at Kim Chern's house was interesting though.... played cards n UNO till 5am... n then crap talked for the nx 2 hours...I was oso introduced to Tongs unique way of snoring....hehe... came home today at 1.30... errr i think thats all for now... the pics will be up real soon i'm sure.... so juz read for now....
